Checkpoints and regulators

Cdks, cyclins, and the APC/C are direct regulators of cell cycle transitions, but they aren’t always in the driver’s seat. Instead, they respond to cues from inside and outside the cell. These cues influence activity of the core regulators to determine whether the cell moves forward in the cell cycle. Positive cues, like growth factors, typically increase activity of Cdks and cyclins, while negative ones, like DNA damage, typically decrease or block activity.
As an example, let's examine how DNA damage halts the cell cycle in Gstart subscript, 1, end subscript. DNA damage can, and will, happen in many cells of the body during a person’s lifetime (for example, due to UV rays from the sun). Cells must be able to deal with this damage, fixing it if possible and preventing cell division if not. Key to the DNA damage response is a protein called p53, a famous tumor suppressor often described as “the guardian of the genome.” start superscript, 10, end superscript
p53 works on multiple levels to ensure that cells do not pass on their damaged DNA through cell divisionstart superscript, 3, end superscript. First, it stops the cell cycle at the Gstart subscript, 1, end subscript checkpoint by triggering production of Cdk inhibitor (CKI) proteins. The CKI proteins bind to Cdk-cyclin complexes and block their activity (see diagram below), buying time for DNA repair. p53's second job is to activate DNA repair enzymes. If DNA damage is not fixable, p53 will play its third and final role: triggering programmed cell death so damaged DNA is not passed on.
Simplified diagram of how p53 halts the cell cycle at the G1/S checkpoint. p53 is activated by DNA damage and causes production of a Cdk inhibitor, which binds to the Cdk-G1/S cyclin complex and inactivates it. This halts the cell in G1 and prevents it from entering S phase, allowing time for the DNA damage to be fixed.
By ensuring that cells don't divide when their DNA is damaged, p53 prevents mutations (changes in DNA) from being passed on to daughter cells. When p53 is defective or missing, mutations can accumulate quickly, potentially leading to cancer. Indeed, out of all the entire human genome, p53 is the single gene most often mutated in cancers.start superscript, 11, end superscript p53 and cell cycle regulation are key topics of study for researchers working on new treatments for cancer.


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